For those new to HSR, the acronym stands for Hosur Sarjapur Road. But type ‘HSR’ on social media or the search engines, and you will realise that the coinage is used just as widely for completely different entities in an entirely different corner of the world. We are talking about #hsr or even @hsr that will take you to Hamilton Street Railway, a public transport agency in Ontario, Canada. Incidentally, HSR also has bus services and for all its constant updates, it uses the Twitter handle: @hsrnow.

That’s not all. HSR is known in a completely different way in Australia where it stands for a ‘Health and Safety Representative’. Essentially, these are health inspectors who visit workplaces if there are fears that the safety of workers is compromised. Similarly, HSR is a young science whose acronym stands for ‘Health Services Research’ that brings together social science perspectives of individuals and institutions engaged in delivering health services.

On to New York now. Yes, HSR also means ‘High Society Radio’. It’s a podcasting service from locally sourced New Yorkers every Tuesday. Then again, that’s not all. There is a company called Health Systems Reform or HSR in short that has branches in the US, UK, Russian, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon. Which means, HSR is truly a global name that is significant to a lot more people than we knew until now.

If you are wondering why you never came across these HSR interpretations, that’s because you might have already shared your location data to Google, so it will only give you what is relevant to your city and neighbourhood. That’s the least amount of data that the search giant has – it also knows where you went, what sites you visited, what illnesses and products you searched for, and more. But that’s another story for another day.