When this video of a person doing wheeling on Outer Ring Road near HRBR Layout was tweeted to the city cops on February 28, 2020, the RT Nagar traffic police booked against the rider for wheeling the very next day. However, the residents want such people to be jailed and his licence cancelled. The BTM Layout residents association even wondered if Bangalore has become the “stunt capital of India?” Ganesh says, “Cancel the licence” while the others praised the cops for prompt action.
One look at the traffic fines imposed by the cops on February 19, 2020 will give us an idea. There were 64 different offences for which Rs 42.2 lakh was collected in fines. That would come to about Rs 12 crore every month or Rs 140 crore every year. Interestingly, 106 people were fined for triple riding, 66 for using black film on their glass windows, 300 for using mobile phone while riding and driving, and 512 for not wearing selt belt. The maximum cases were against 2362 people for riding without a helmet, followed by 1604 pillion riders for not wearing a helmet, 1133 people for wrong parking, and 1089 individuals for jumping the traffic signals.