Silk Board records the lowest pollution in Bangalore; Hombegowda Nagar is highest!

silk board pollution

Traditionally, the Central Silk Board junction on Hosur Road adjoining, HSR Layout, BTM Layout, Madiwala and Koramangala, recorded the highest air pollution in Bangalore. However, after the lockdown from March 25, this polluted cross-section has recorded the least pollution in the city at a healthy Air Quality Index (AQI) of 44, which is considered ‘good’ … Read more

Only designated staff to pick biomedical waste from quarantined homes; pollution control board issues new guidelines

pollution control board

The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has issued new guidelines to local urban bodies on ways to handle, treat, and dispose off the biomedical waste generated during the treatment, diagnostics and quarantine of COVID-19 patients. It has mandated that only qualified personnel should pick up garbage from quarantined homes. Currently, much of the garbage today … Read more

Want to know if you have Coronavirus? These online tests should help!

coronavirus online tests

Airtel and Reliance Jio have launched separate websites to help people battle confusion and paranoia in the time of coronavirus. All you have to do is visit the two sites and answer about a dozen questions. Answer them truthfully after much introspection, and you should arrive at the results which could be any of the … Read more

Grocery supplies disrupted; long queues at shops; some residents volunteer to ensure ‘social distancing’

social distancing

Grocery supplies of offline and online stores are disrupted in the city. The workers were not able to reach their shops due to the curfew despite showing ID cards and wearing uniforms, and some were even lathi-charged. Others were allowed when a letter from their employees was shown. Many vans carrying essential goods were asked … Read more

Coronavirus: Dispose off gloves, masks in sealed covers, Indira canteens to give free food to poor, BBMP’s additional helpline numbers…

COVID-19 helpline

The Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike has set up a command and control centre ‘war room’ to tackle the coronavirus epidemic in the city. In the first such directive from the cell, the residents are requested to dispose off masks and gloves in a sealed cover separately. In addition, cashless transactions are encouraged to reduce transmission … Read more

Spotted a person in public place with home quarantine stamp? Call 100

contact tracing

The Bangalore police is hunting down people violating the home quarantine rules to combat COVID-19. Such persons can be put behind bars for six months or pay a hefty fine or both. While some residents feel that the stamp could be hidden by gloves, the others recommend the Singapore model of contact tracing using GPS … Read more

Coronavirus news: Half the IT workforce is working from home in Bangalore; residents conduct awareness campaigns & more

coronavirus awareness campaigns

In an informal survey by the Whitefield Rising group, 570 people voted and the result was that as of March 14, 2020, 52.5% people were working from home. While the state government had requested the IT/BT companies to exercise the ‘work from home’ (WFH) option, the reality is that only a few sectors are able … Read more

Water tanker carrying hazardous chemicals seized due to alert marshalls

water tanker

Alert marshalls did a fabulous job of getting a water tanker seized for carrying hazardous chemicals and preparing to dump it in unauthorised areas. The exercise required them to follow the water tanker on their vehicles from Kottegepalya to Yelahanka. After establishing the facts, they coordinated with the RTO officials and traffic police to nail … Read more

Coronavirus: What You Should Do Now!


Take it seriously. Don’t bother with people who say that you are simply panicking as there are no deaths in India so far, and only about 74 people are infected. The reasons the counts are less could be because it takes 14 days for the virus to show up through symptoms, and by then imagine … Read more

Coronavirus: Everything you need to know


With information overload, fear mongering, and much misinformation spreading across the social media channels, it is important to know about the most reliable sources of information. For example, there was news that China had approved a vaccine for coronavirus, when the truth is that there was no such news by any official source of the … Read more