By Aratrika Dey
The seventh installation of the Harry Potter books, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows saw the introduction of the ‘Snatchers’ (an organization of bounty hunters) who were essentially tasked with ‘snatching’ people. In and around HSR Layout, similar snatchers have started popping up recently; the only difference is that they snatch away mobile phones from passers-by. So far, the cops are unable to nab these thieves and prevent more thefts.
Sector 3 is attracting phone snatchers
HSR Layout’s 3rd Sector has recently seen an influx of phone snatching activities, especially on 18th Main Road, adjacent to HSR Club Road, between the 19th and 22nd cross roads. Residents have recorded that within a span of the last ten days, four persons have been victims of mobile phone snatching.
The local police have been notified about the happenings. However, the cops have only asked the residents to be careful, and asked them to be more careful while outside. In reaction, one denizen said that the police are busy fining people who are traveling without masks, seat belts and helmets to collect revenue, but have little consideration for public property theft.
The latest cases
“My father, aged 75 went out for a walk at 8am, and his phone was snatched by two boys on a two-wheeler,” said one Sector 3 resident who has lodged a police complaint. A few days earlier, on January 28, another resident complained that two motorbike-borne men tried to snatch her phone while she was on her regular morning walk between 7am and 7.30am. Luckily, she had a firm grip on her mobile, and prevented the theft. “I screamed and they rode away,” she says. The location of the attempted thievery was the junction of 18th Main Road and 19th Cross Road in Sector 3. She also mentioned that the same evening, another incident took place at the same point. But this time, the thieves were successful in stealing the mobile phone of her son-in-law. However, they did not file a complaint to the police this time around as prior experience proved futile. The best possible action in the aftermath of the theft is to get yourself a new phone and register for a new SIM card.
In light of this situation, here are some things you can do if your phone ever gets snatched away by a stranger on a motorbike…
‘Find my phone’ service
Smartphones these days come equipped with a ‘find my phone’ service or you can download Find my iPhone if you are an iOS user or Find My Device on Android. However, you can track your phone’s location only if the phone is connected to a cellular network or Wifi.
Rush to change the passwords of every account you had logged on to on your mobile; including social media accounts, banking apps, email, online shopping accounts, and so on. To be on the safer side, also inform your bank that you have lost your mobile phone and block your card.
Most of us rely heavily on cloud-based storage. For example, Google syncs your device settings, mobile application data, and contacts directly to the cloud. Reach into your cloud to retrieve important information. Lastly, lodge complaints with the police.