The ban on cycling inside Agara Lake premises is lifted. However, the park authorities don’t want too many cyclists or cycle rentals to operate inside the park premises due to haphazard dumping of vehicles by cyclists and injuring walkers.
Cyclists dumping the bikes haphazardly
Cyclists spoiling the walking track, particulary when it’s wet
There have been several calls made to the police by the walkers regarding these injuries, and therefore, the park caretakers want only the ones responsible for their cycle and cyling to enter the premises.
Therefore, we request the cyclists, and particularly the hobbyists to be more responsible while cycling inside the lake premises. Don’t drop off your vehicle only at the designated spots. Use only the cycle track for the purpose. Some cyclists are complaining that the cycle track is too narrow, which compels them to take the path meant for walkers. The caretakers retort that the cyclists should have complained when the park was being revived. The argument continues.