By Shristi Deb
I am in Bangalore for my Masters. I live in a rented flat with two other friends. I recently tested positive for COVID-19. Though my second set of tests were negative, I am still recovering, and the last few days were painful.
How it all started
I remember every day of my ordeal. I had gone shopping for some groceries at the nearby supermarket on October 10, and started to feel sick soon after. It was nothing major… just slight fever. However, as the days progressed, my health became worse. By October 14, I started to lose all my sense of taste and smell. On October 16, I contacted a nearby diagnostic lab and got myself tested at home. A day later, the test was positive.
After that, it was mandatory to get my two flatmates to get tested too. While my one test was negative, my other flatmate’s was positive. He was tested asymptomatic and hence, he hadn’t shown any symptoms.
Home quarantine begins
Thankfully, we live in a 2 BHK apartment. So immediately, me and my friends were isolated in individual rooms. My first few days were difficult. Living in a room alone without any human contact is difficult enough, but the sickness made it worse. In the first few days when the disease was progressing, my health would fluctuate a lot. In the morning, I’d be feeling okay, but gradually it would worsen. By evening, it would be impossible to get out of bed. The medicines made me sleepy, so I slept a lot of the time. This went on for more than a week, before things started getting better.
Material adjustments
The doctor had given strict instructions that all of my stuff had to be separated. He suggested that I was supposed to use disposable plates. But honestly, I couldn’t afford that. I do not live in my hometown, and the COVID tests and the medicines had eaten away all my savings. I hadn’t informed my parents of the situation because otherwise, they would’ve tried to rush over, and I didn’t want to worry them just yet. Other than that, I was told to eat a lot of nutritional fruits (some of them quite expensive, such as dragon fruits) as part of my diet. Fast food was a strict no-no. So, affording disposable plates, bowls and glasses wasn’t something I could do. Therefore, I took two sets of utensils, and used them alternatively. Our cook used to leave the meals near the door, and I washed the utensils repeatedly, first in cold water with a disinfectant, and then again with hot water.
Recovery phase
More than a week after the report, the symptoms began to fade. The first sign that made me a little relieved was when I started getting my sense of taste and smell back. A doctor came for another test on the fourteenth day. The next day, my test showed that I was negative. Although a week has passed since then, I was instructed to keep following the general precautions. I am not quarantined anymore, but I am not supposed to leave the house unless absolutely necessary. I have stopped with the medicines, but my diet plan remains. No fast food, but lots of fruits and green vegetables. My immunity is still recovering.
On the other hand, my friend who was tested positive for asymptomatic COVID is still quarantined. He had his rapid test (second) and that came negative. We are still awaiting the result of the full body check-up, after which he will be fit to leave his room too.
A thin silver lining
Though the first few days were scary and painful in general, I got used to it. I finished quite a few of my pending works. I completed my college assignments and internship work. I also caught up on a lot of movies and shows. So, yes, though it wasn’t all bad, it isn’t something I wish to go through ever again. My mind and body are still exhausted from the entire ordeal, and honestly, I am still recuperating from the toll it took on my mind.
(As told to Chandrima Mazumdar)