The residents are fed up of commercial establishments coming up on residential roads. It is illegal to have any commercial outlet on roads that are 40 feet and less. On roads wider than 40 feet, BBMP decides on what can be completely commercial and what can be mixed use. However, the commercial business owners either don’t know the law or they are willingly violating the law.
We asked residents to name some such establishments in HSR that they feel are a nuisance in their neighbourhoods. We also noticed some commercial operators in HSR Layout. We urge the BBMP officials to take immediate action or risk suspension or worse for dereliction of duty.
The Hall of Shame list is as follows:
- Gopi Technologies, 16th Main Road, 22nd Cross, Sector 3
- Braceport Dentistry, 15th B Main, 21st Cross, Sector 3
- The half a dozen preschools on 16th Cross between 14th and 15th Main.
- A spa on 11th Cross, 17th B Main, Sector 4
- The list is endless… We will continue to add names to this list as and when our readers send us the details.
The only way the BBMP is made to do its job is when the residents protested and forced shutdowns or the local media like us took it up and began a consistent campaign, be it for bad roads or restaurants operating in basements which is a fire hazard. The residents shut down a rooftop pub that was coming up in Sector 4, a restaurant in Sector 1 and a proposed mall in Sector 3. When this channel highlighted a shed coming up on 19th Cross in Sector 3, it was eventually demolished by the site owner after the BBMP officials surprisingly refused to give permission for commercial use. Similarly, they demolished another shed in Sector 5 as it was another violation.
We urge the residents to first understand the law about not having commercial outlets on roads that are 40 feet and less. After all, the owners of commercial establishments in HSR Layout are either residing somewhere here or outside HSR, but very much in India. Therefore, it’s important that they know the law. Just because there is one illegality does not mean they can violate the law. As one resident put it so succinctly: “Those who violate the law are nati-national. I would even brand them as terrorists.” Right indeed, because commercial outlets cause noise, and air pollution in addition to parking problems and generating far too much waste, in addition to stressing the narrow sanitary lines, cauvery water connections and electricity loads.
This should not to be confused with people who work out of homes. They are by themselves and do not employ anybody to add to the stresses of commercialisation that we mentioned earlier. In fact, if half the people in the world work out of home, the roads will be far less congested and the pollution will come down automatically. So we should thank people who work from home. They are doing their bit for the environment.
The worse part is that the BBMP does not take any action, despite being alerted about it. When one resident asked a civic official to take action, the person said that the residents have to write a letter to them. Why is that? So they are targetted by the commercial establishment? When this news channel writes about illegalities in HSR Layout, the BBMP officials give out our editor’s name. It’s as if we are the law here and they are obeying our dictat. Clearly, the BBMP officials have no will or courage to follow the letter of the law. Some residents have no problems being identified as the complainants, but it’s unfair to corner a few civic activists when they are fighting a larger public cause.
Recently, residents elsewhere in Bangalore petitioned the BBMP to take complaints from them without revealing their names to anyone. They wanted the civic agency to maintain their confidentiality. We would add that this should apply to the cops as well. But both the agencies blatantly violate the privacy rules and blurt out the person or people responsible for their legal action, complain residents.
The question is why should either the BBMP or the cops give away names of complainants when the illegalities are a public offence, not private. One cop confided that they are too small to go against the larger commercial interests, particularly when every other individual is ‘highly connected’. Therefore, they blurt out names of resident welfare associations, the media and civic activists to make a stronger case. Such is the delivery of justice in society today.
Therefore, dear reader, if you spot a commercial establishment on a 40 feet road, take a picture, WhatsApp it to us (+919880585748) with the right address and we will add that name to this list, so the BBMP is forced to take action on them. Do not forget to inform us when the civic agency indeed takes action and shuts down the illegal outlets. In addition, it’s also important that you complain to the relevant agencies, so that your complaints are officially recorded as well. For BBMP cases, download the BBMP Sahaaya mobile app or visit the website of BBMP Sahaaya and register your complaint without registering yourself. Remember, each of us can make a better world. Just blaming the netas, the business people and the officials will not do. We are as much to blame for doing nothing about the illegalities all around us. As one resident put it: “Break away. Stand up for what is right, and all will be well in this world.”