The heartwarming story of an HSR pet that was lost and found during Diwali!

The heartwarming story of an HSR pet that was lost and found during Diwali! 1
On Wednesday, November 7, Dr Sumana Kaushik lost Angel, a female golden retriever due to a negligent caretaker in Mangammanapalya. On Saturday, November 10, she was reunited with her six-year-old pet, thanks to four dog lovers of HSR Layout.
The heartwarming story of an HSR pet that was lost and found during Diwali! 2
The message that did the rounds of social media
Dr Sumana had given her female dog to a pet trainer who had in turn given it to a woman in Mangammanapalya. During Diwali, with all the firecrachers going off simultaneously, the dog got scared and ran away. Thankfully for her, dog lovers Prashanth, Bindu and Sindhu Gowda, who had lost their dog a year ago, sheltered and fed this dog for three days when they found her strolling on Hosa Road. They also put up her photo on Facebook’s ‘HSR Canine Club’ group.
The heartwarming story of an HSR pet that was lost and found during Diwali! 3
The ‘Found dog’ message that went viral on social media
The heartwarming story of an HSR pet that was lost and found during Diwali! 4
Sumana after being reunited with her pet
The dog was reunited with Dr Sumana when Anshu Vyas, another HSR resident and a member of the pet club, saw a ‘lost dog’ message on Facebook by Dr Sumana’s sister in law. “After seeing both the ‘lost’ and ‘found’ posts, Anshu put the puzzle together and asked us to contact the Gowdas,” Dr Sumana told Residents Watch. “The rescuers have a nursery on Hosapalya where they took care of her for three days. Even now, my dog is scared after going through all the trauma. I thank Anshu, Prashant, Bindu and Sindhu who looked after our Angel. It showed us that God’s miracles are personified through such warm-hearted good souls.”


Resident harvests and places groceries in community fridge for the poor

Resident harvests and places groceries in community fridge for the poor 5
On October 23, Residents Watch wrote about a community fridge placed by Saibaba temple on the 19th Main footpath, so the poor can make use of it. Today, Sector 7 resident Ratnakar BNS Ratnakar did his bit for the underprivileged.
Resident harvests and places groceries in community fridge for the poor 6
Resident harvests and places groceries in community fridge for the poor 7
He decided to donate the harvest from his terrace and community garden to the community fridge. “I placed cabbage, brinjal, and Amaranthus leaves harvested today,” he told Residents Watch. “Hope the same will be relished by the users. We should encourage more such community fridges across HSR. I feel elated.”
We are elated too. If more residents start caring about the underprivileged, the world will be such a better place.


It’s a mela like atmosphere at Agara Lake Park

agara lake park
Cornwalas, coconut vendors, cycle rentals, bhelpuriwalas, panipuri stalls… The Agara Lake Park is recording a high turnout of residents on weekends, and today was no different. Estimates peg the number at 8000-9000 each on Saturdays and Sundays.
People squatting on grass to watch the sunset. Children and adults riding cycles. Play area packed with small kids and parents in tow… It was a mela alright. Importantly, ample parking space on the service road made it an enjoyable evening for kids, college goers and families alike.
There are several other stories related to Agara Lake park which we will discuss over the course of the next few days. Each deserve a separate story of their own. In the meanwhile, if you want to know the history of Agara Lake and how it came to be in such a fabulous state, perhaps you should read the detailed story by Residents Watch here.
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It's a mela like atmosphere at Agara Lake Park 9
Ample parking space on Service Road
It's a mela like atmosphere at Agara Lake Park 10
It's a mela like atmosphere at Agara Lake Park 11
It's a mela like atmosphere at Agara Lake Park 12
It's a mela like atmosphere at Agara Lake Park 13