India’s New Govt MUST Do These 48 Things to Save the Nation (Number 47 Will Surprise You!)

India growth plan

Come June 2024, any government that comes to power in India should be pro-poor and pro-development. But it’s not just about the manifesto mentioned by the Congress or the BJP, or any of the regional parties. Here is our wishlist of what the new central government should do to resolve many of the issues in … Read more

Debunking UTI Myths: Can UTIs Go Away Without Antibiotics?


A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common condition that affects the urinary system, including the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. It occurs when bacteria enter the urinary tract and multiply, leading to an infection. UTIs can cause discomfort and may lead to serious complications if left untreated. Understanding UTIs What is a UTI and … Read more

Invited: Proposals that engage neighbourhoods in Bengaluru

Invited: Proposals that engage neighbourhoods in Bengaluru 8

India Foundation for the Arts (IFA), a non-profit, is accepting proposals from interested Bangaloreans who can engage their neighbourhoods. Under their Project 560, they specifically want you to focus on memories, experiences, and imaginations. The deadline for submissions is November 30, 2021.  To get the gist of the idea, here is their spiel: “That somberikatte … Read more

Has Covaxin given magnetic powers to this Bellandur resident?

covaxin magnetism

By Zahid H Javali Watching two videos of Indians getting magnetic powers after taking the Covishield vaccine, a resident of Bellandur (KPC Layout) in Bengaluru discovered a similar capability in her this afternoon. Jyothi KM (42), a software engineer-turned-homemaker was pleasantly surprised when she stuck Apple watch, spoon, knife, and fork on her arm. She … Read more

A food park for the birds coming up in Bangalore during the pandemic

A food park for the birds coming up in Bangalore during the pandemic 12

By Anuksha Dey Capt. Santhosh KC (retd) is working on creating a food garden for birds amidst the pandemic. Known to many in Bengaluru as the water warrior fighting to stop the tanker and sand mafia in Anekal, the activist is setting up the food park in Brickfield Villas, Anekal. The lung space will be … Read more

Covid-19: How you could volunteer from home and help the patients

Covid-19: How you could volunteer from home and help the patients 14

By Anuksha Dey Step One, a volunteer-led telemedical foundation in Karnataka, is reaching out to Covid patients across 18 states and union territories. The organisation consists of volunteers from all walks of life: doctors, nurses, medical students, counsellors and tele warriors, marketing and tech professionals. They are all donating their time to make a difference … Read more

Now is the best time to go birdwatching in Bengaluru


By Anuksha Dey If you have been planning to go bird watching in Bengaluru, now is the perfect time. “This is the winter season… anytime you step out is a good time for birding,” says Dr Krishna MB, a zoologist with a doctorate in bird ecology. But if you’re wondering where and how to start, … Read more