It sure seems like the thieves of two wheelers appear to be quite busy on weekends in HSR Layout. Take the last fortnight for example. In the space of three days, three different bike thefts occurred across HSR Layout. In an earlier incident that occurred in Sector 3, the thief (only his back is towards the CCTV) was seen pushing the bike away from the parked area in front of Subramanya temple on 18th Cross. The bike happened to be that of the priest. This could well be the modus operandi of all the thefts that happened last fortnight as well.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Time: 10am-5pm
Location: 647, 13th Cross, 27th Main, Sector 1, HSR Layout
Twenty-six-year-old Darshan, a resident of Electronic City, works at the Idea store as a manager in Sector 1, HSR Layout. On May 17, at around 10am, he had parked his Hero Glamour (KA51EW2878) in front of the store. However, at 5pm, the bike was nowhere to be seen.
Saturday, May 18-19, 2019
Time: 11.30pm-1am
Location: 5th Main, 17th Cross, HSR Layout
Thirty-year-old PR Harish, a resident of Sector 6, parked his Royal Enfield Classic 350 (TS08FW2998) in front of his house at around 11.30pm. At around 1am, when he woke up, he realised that the bike was missing from its designated spot. Strangely, the FIR on the theft was registered three days later on May 22.
Sunday, MAY 19, 2019
Time of theft: 5pm-8.30pm
Location: In front of Third Wave Coffee Roasters, 14th Main, Sector 7, HSR Layout
Twenty-five-year-old engineer Sharath Oommen parked his Honda Activa (KA51ED5995) at 5pm in front of the Coffee Roaster outlet at 5pm only to find it missing at 8.30pm when he returned. After a frantic search and asking around for its whereabouts, this resident of Hosapalya in HSR extension realised that it was stolen. The very next day, a police complaint of theft was registered by the HSR cops.